Including my long-time email contact friend of a friend -
Laura, who helped me while applying to come down here
Indeed. The festivities began quite in advance of our Saturday evening meal. First we received a large amount of fresh vegetables. Then we had volunteer prepping time all week in the evenings, culminating to the quintessential home-cooked thanksgiving dinner, that we were are all unable to make for one reason or another (crazy enough to be working here is the most popular excuse). As goes with any good day off in these parts the after(anythinig)-party will be present.
So I signed up for the potato peeling party. This is pretty darn exciting because it means our mashed potatoes won't come out of a box! Teems of polies (those who work at pole) signed up for this task, which with many hands and the guidance or our own James Brown (Pole Chef Extraordinaire) only took an hour. Of course I didn't get to touch the potatoes. I got the Beets! One of my favorite vegetables and still with bits of soil attached. Euphoria. Tom Robbins said it best:
"THE BEET IS THE MOST INTENSE of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious... The beet is the ancient ancestor of the autumn moon, bearded, buried, all but fossilized; the dark green sails of the grounded moon-boat stitched with veins of primordial plasma; the kite string that once connected the moon to the Earth now a muddy whisker drilling desperately for rubies" And here they are, at the pole!
I also managed to chop up some cucumber, carrot, and pepper to round out the euphoria. Pub trivia, happening in the same room gave a thrilling distraction to the spaces between prep work. Amongst other polar topics, the oddities of the people around us was the evening's theme! Who grew up with such and such diva rock star? Who modeled hats in Las Vegas for four years?
The next night: pie night. Pumpkin, Apple, and Pecan the stars of the evening, my emergency logistics team leader busied himself with the bread for the stuffing. We had to have the best logistics team at pole to handle this ultra-important ingredient!
The finale: Three candle-lit seatings with all our friends and neighbors dressed in their best; ordeurves in the hallway kept company by live music;
Wine stewards who we all knew perhaps too well, armed with a plethora of wines; mod lighting;
and of course excellent food. Swing dancing, an 80's dance and a bucket full of sangria that we all dove into and then backed far far away from finished off this start to the holiday season. Our two-day weekend treated us well giving us all the opportunity to explore the best sledding mounds, finish that book we've been reading (mine was "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - excellent), play some sports and write some letters to you lovely folk on the dirt side.
Hope you all had a great holiday as well!